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Nastavak redovnih treninga

Objavljeno: 15/11/2021

I ovom mjesecu nastavljamo sa redovnim treninzima.

Specijalna olimpijada u BiH u saradnji sa partnerskim organizacijama pruža priliku djeci sa i bez intelektualnih poteškoća da imaju pristup sportu kroz organizaciju treninga i takmičenja stavljajući u prvi prvi plan inkluziju i pravilan rast i razvoj.

We are continuing with regular trainings this month as well.

The Special Olympics in BiH, in cooperation with partner organizations, provides an opportunity for children with and without intellectual disabilities to have access to sports through the organization of training and competitions, placing inclusion and proper growth and development at the forefront.

The project „Inclusion Through Sport for Children with Developmental Disabilities” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation. The project is managed by Motivation Romania Foundation in partnership with Special Olympics Romania, SO Iceland, SO Slovakia, SO Lithuania, SO Bosnia and Herzegovina, SO Montenegro, with support from Europe Eurasia Foundation and Poznan University of Physical Education.

Working together for an inclusive Europe

#EEANorwayGrants #FundforRegionalCooperation
