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Radimo zajedno za inkluzivnu Evropu!

Objavljeno: 12/08/2021

Iza nas je odličan period pokretanja implementacije projekta “Inkluzija kroz sport za djecu sa poteškoćama u razvoju” čiji cilj je stvaranje inkluzivnijeg društva kroz organizaciju treninga i takmičenja za djecu sa i bez poteškoća u razvoju.

Dijelimo s vama mali dio atmosfere sa takmičenja u fudbalu u Živinicima, atletskom takmičenja u Prnjavoru, kao na treninzima u Atletskom klubu „Sloboda-Tehnograd“ Tuzla i Školi sporta „Zvjezdica“ Banja Luka.

Zahvaljujemo se partnerima na želji i spremnosti da implementiramo ovaj projekat.

Projekat “Inkluzija kroz sport za djecu sa poteškoćama u razvoju” je finasiran od strane Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške kroz EEA i Norveški fond grantova za regionalnu saradnju.    Projektom upravlja Fondacija Motivacija iz Rumunije u  partnerstvu sa Specijalnom olimpijadom Rumunija, SO Island, SO Slovačka, SO Litvanija, SO Bosna i Hercegovina, SO Crna Gora, uz podršku Europa Eurasija Foundacije i Poznan Univerziteta tjelesnog odgoja i sporta.


Behind us is an excellent period of launching the implementation of the project “Inclusion Through Sports for Children with Developmental Disabilities” whose goal is to create a more inclusive society through the organization of training and competitions for children with and without disabilities.

We share with you part of the atmosphere from the football competition in Živinice, the athletics competition in Prnjavor, as well as the trainings in the Athletic Club “Sloboda-Tehnograd” Tuzla and the School of Sports “Zvjezdica” Banja Luka.

We thank the partners for their desire and willingness to implement this project with us.

The project „Inclusion Through Sport for Children with Developmental Disabilities” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation. The project is managed by Motivation Romania Foundation in partnership with Special Olympics Romania, SO Iceland, SO Slovakia, SO Lithuania, SO Bosnia and Herzegovina, SO Montenegro, with support from Europe Eurasia Foundation and Poznan University of Physical Education.

More about the project:

Working together for an inclusive Europe
#EEANorwayGrants #FundforRegionalCooperation
