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Sudjelovanje u sportu pomaže djeci u fizičkom, mentalnom i socijalnom razvoju

Objavljeno: 15/11/2021

U razvojnom sportu djeca sa i bez intelektualnih poteškoća dobijaju uvod u sport primjeren uzrastu djeteta i uče potrebne vještine za prelazak u tradicionalne sportske programe Specijalne olimpijade. Sudjelovanje u sportu pomaže djeci u fizičkom, mentalnom i socijalnom razvoju te pridonosi cjeloživotnom naglasku na zdravlju i dobrobiti. Temeljne pokretne i sportske vještine stečene kroz razvojne sportske aktivnosti pružaju vrijedan okvir koji podupire djecu dok napreduju kako bi postali sportaši Specijalne olimpijade i ujedinjeni partneri.

In developmental sports, children with and without intellectual difficulties receive an age-appropriate introduction to sports, and learn the necessary skills to transition into traditional Special Olympics sports programs. Participation in sports helps children develop physically, mentally and socially, and contributes to a lifelong emphasis on health and well-being. The fundamental movement and sports skills gained through developmental sports activities provide a valuable framework that supports children as they progress to become Special Olympics athletes and Unified partners.

The project „Inclusion Through Sport for Children with Developmental Disabilities” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation. The project is managed by Motivation Romania Foundation in partnership with Special Olympics Romania, SO Iceland, SO Slovakia, SO Lithuania, SO Bosnia and Herzegovina, SO Montenegro, with support from Europe Eurasia Foundation and Poznan University of Physical Education.

Working together for an inclusive Europe

 #EEANorwayGrants #FundforRegionalCooperation
