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Treninzi u obdaništima Brčanska Malta, Pčelica, Jelenko, Lastavica

Objavljeno: 30/03/2023

Naša srca su puna kada vidimo sreću na dječijim licima.
Dijelimo sa Vama dio atmosfere sa zajedničkih treninga

Obdanište Brčanska Malta, Pčelica, Jelenko, Lastavica

Our hearts are full when we see the happiness on children’s faces.
We share with you a part of the atmosphere from joint training sessions

Kindergartens Brčanska Malta, Pčelica, Jelenko, Lastavica

The project „Inclusion Through Sport for Children with Developmental Disabilities” is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation. The project is managed by Motivation Romania Foundation in partnership with Special Olympics Romania, SO Iceland, SO Slovakia, SO Lithuania, SO Bosnia and Herzegovina, SO Montenegro, with support from SO Europe Eurasia Foundation and Poznan University of Physical Education.

Working together for an inclusive Europe

#EEANorwayGrants #FundforRegionalCooperation

